What is possible and what is impossible with varicose veins

With varicose veins the patient has to change our way of life, by limiting yourself to certain things. This limitation is not so much. Learn what should not be done with varicose veins.

The basic prohibition – a sedentary lifestyle

Sa varicose veins in the legs

One of the main contraindications for varicose veins is a sedentary lifestyle. The function of veins is to return blood from the extremities towards the heart and lungs. The movement of the muscles that only helps to press the blood up. Thanks to the activity of the muscular system the system of venous valves, preventing backflow of blood. Varicose veins occurs when the valves is lost, and the lack of movement only compounds this process.

Negatively on the condition of the veins affected by static electricity. As well, prolonged standing or sitting causes stagnation of blood in the veins and its expansion.

A negative factor in the development of varicose veins is also excess weight, providing additional pressure to the veins of the extremities. Therefore, if you have excess weight, then you have to face in the first place with exercise. And what kind of sports can you do for varicose veins, you will learn below.

Fitness training with varicose veins

Perhaps the most useful form of physical exercise for varicose veins is swimming. In the first place, while swimming, legs do not feel strong pressure, and the density of the water allows the blood to stagnate in the veins.

If you do not have excess weight, when varicose veins useful walking. For people with excess weight dress walking at an average pace, have not yet been able to normalize the weight.

If you like the strength training, while varicose veins it is advisable to choose the exercises that are performed lying down or sitting, so that there is not much to put your feet up. It also allows yoga, Oriental dances latinos.

Fitness training with varicose veins: what is prohibited?

If you have varicose veins, then you should forget about sports where you have to run and jump. Say a decisive "no" to running, step, aerobics, jumping rope and certain types of dances.

You should also forget the bar and other exercises which involve weight lifting. Remember that varicose veins are not recommended to lift the weight more than 3-5 kg.

Hot treatments: can I go in the sauna and shower with varicose veins?

Varicose veins in the legs really don't like the heat. Keep your feet away from heaters and other sources of heat. Hot shower, steam bath and sauna is contraindicated for varicose veins. Even if you don't have varicose veins, but they are predisposed to (for example, inheritance), which are not recommended for hot water treatments.

But a cold shower, the opposite will be useful. And still useful after each bath, rinse the legs with cold water.

Foods for varicose veins

Any major limitations with varicose veins do not. The only thing that you have to sacrifice, that broths, meat products and smoked foods, which disturb the activity of the boats. But on the other hand, feeding with the appearance of varicose veins is almost no different from a regular diet.

If you have problems with the output of fluid of the body, it is recommended to limit the consumption of salt to avoid water retention which affects blood vessels more pressure.

Varicose veins women usually occurs or progresses during pregnancy. And usually during the second or subsequent... With an increase of the duration of pregnancy, and increases the risk of developing varicose veins.

To go on a strict diet makes sense if you suffer from excess weight. Below are a low-calorie diet that will help you lose weight and feel better. You'll see how lost each kilogram will get easier.

Varicose veins doctors suggest you enrich your diet a variety of vegetables and fruits to provide the body with vitamins, mainly vitamin C, rutin, bioflavonoid, and other substances biologically active.